32. Learn to curl

 Learn to curl 

After watching the curling at the 2022 Winter Olympics I really wanted to give this a go. I have no idea how the scoring works but got caught up in the excitement watching it and pretending like a lot of others that I knew about curling when my knowledge was limited at best. I had hoped to do this following the winter Olympics but sadly Curl Aberdeen did not have enough spaces for me to try it despite me hounding them about it. Possibly a missed opportunity to capitalise on the success of both teams at the Olympics and get new members into the sport to increase funding... but I'll keep an eye out and give it a go when the opportunity arises. 

23/09/22 - Beginners classes have been booked for the end of the year so I'll be on ice and could possibly be my first completion on the 50 before 50 list.... 
